Euro 2012 team slogans

This is a special event that brings the world to witness and cherish the meaningful moment together!

Poland: "Razem niemożliwe staje się możliwe" (Together, impossible becomes possible)

Greece: "Γεννημένοι μαχητές!" (Born fighters!)

Russia: "Играй с душой! Борись до конца!" (Play with your soul! Fight till the end!)

Czech Republic: "Vy fandíte, my vítězíme!" (You support, we win!)
Netherlands: "Elf leeuwen. Miljoenen fans. Samen zijn we sterk!" (Eleven lions. Millions of fans. Together we are strong!)

Denmark: "Vikinger uden frygt!" (Vikings without fear!)

Germany: "Von Spiel zu Spiel zum großen Ziel!" (From game to game to the big aim!)
Portugal: "Aqui batem 10 milhões de corações" (Here beat 10 million hearts)

Spain: "Un motivo para vivir, una razón para soñar. ¡Viva España!" (A reason to live, a reason to dream. ¡Viva España!)

Italy: "Riempiamo l'Europa d'azzurro." (Let's turn Europe blue.)

Republic of Ireland: "Talk with your feet. Play with your heart."

Croatia: "Na' ponos je na'a snaga!" (Our pride is our strength!)

Ukraine: "Українці - наш час настав!" (Ukrainians, it's our time!)

Sweden: "Var där. Känn det. Fånga drömmen." (Be there. Feel it. Catch the dream.)

France: "Une nouvelle histoire, un nouveau rêve, un même but!" (A new story, a new dream, a shared goal!)

England: "One Prize, Two Countries, Three Lions!"



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